Gracie is ready to start 1st grade, her first day is tomorrow!!! She's wearing the cutest dress she got from G-ma tomorrow. She has a new purple Hannah Montana backpack stuffed with all her school supplies. She got new clothes, and 8 pairs of shoes. All of her friends from her Kindergarten class (+ a few friends from other classes) are in her class this year! The neighbor girl, Olivia (her best friend) is also in her class, she is so excited!!!
Her 6th birthday party went VERY well. We planned to have it at the park, but it had been raining for a couple days, so we had the party at our house .. our house is very echo-ie .. that was fun! We had a Hannah Montana cake, table cloth, paper plates, and napkins. We had those eyeglasses with the noses, the noisemakers with the coiled paper thingy .. only, without the noisemaker, and balloons.
Her favorite cousin Josh, Sierra, Aubrey, Paulina, and my best friend Olivia came to her party. She got a whole bunch of toys she wanted, including Hannah Montana barbies and play sets, My Little Pony stuff, an over sized coloring book, makeup and a whole lot more! She loves her music and got a lot of cd's from her Aunt Shanna.
G-ma took us out for lunch and got Old Time Pictures of the girls. They turned out great!!!
Olivia has her first tooth! It came through on August 10th. I got a few pictures. We went to Fort Collins to visit my family; Mima, Grandpa Tony, Auntie Morgie, Uncle Justin, Great-aunt Becky, Great-uncle Charlie, Uncle Pat, Aunt Veronica, cousin Tyra, cousin Jade, Uncle Nick, Aunt Tara, Great-aunt Brenda, Ray-Ray, Great-uncle HJ, Great-aunt Jeanie, and Grand-poppa .. he's 87 yrs old! We were there for 4 days.
Aunt Becky bought Olivia a Rain Forrest Jumperoo from Walmart. It is the best thing for her! It's the same idea as a jumper that hangs from a doorway, only it sits on the floor :) She LOVES it! It plays music and has animal sounds. The seat she sits in rotates 360* so she can play with all the toys around her.
She trying to crawl, and gets frustrated when she can't .. it's so cute! She's sat up on her own a little .. she's alright if she doesn't lean backwards. We're very proud!
It was our 3rd anniversary on August 26th and Olivia turned 6 months on the 27th.
I guess that's all to report
Talk to you in a month :)
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